Ms. Senior Alabama 2024

Ms. Senior Alabama 2024
Sharon Pitts
(Ms. Senior Vestavia 2024)
1st Runner Up: Cheryl Ritchie,
Ms. Senior Gulf Shores
2nd Runner Up: Lori Cox,
Ms. Senior Daphne
3rd Runner Up, Cindy Kozlowski,
Ms. Senior Fairhope
4th Runner Up, Cindy Pounds,
Ms. Senior St. Clair Co.

2024 Senior Delegates
ages 60-69
Most Community Support-Sponsors (Three Years in a Row)

Message to senior women:
A WOMAN should and can be two things:
WHO she wants to be and
WHAT she wants to be.
Regardless of her AGE!
Philosophy of Life:
As I have gotten older, I have discovered that I have two hands. One is for helping myself and the other is for helping others. Helping others is why I became a senior advocate. Seniors need at least one hot meal every day and a safe living environment. I have seen first hand what some of the seniors are having to live in, and it’s not pretty. Some of them don’t even have food in their refrigerators. But we can fix this. So, let's join hands and see how many seniors we can help.
Angie Carter, Ms. Senior Cullman

Most Photogenic

Message to Senior Women:
Age is nothing but a number. Near stop learning, always believe in yourself.
Philosophy of Life:
My philosophy for life is be a STAR!! Yet there are many and they all serve the same purpose. But, it only take one to bring light in a dark place. So I challenge you to never give up even when you feel like it. Always think about why you started. Remember you are a Star!!


3rd Runner up
Message to Senior Women:
My message to senior women is to continue to be active , both mentally and physically. We have raised children, maintained a home, worked both at home and outside of the home , in many capacities. We still have energy, passion, and experiences to share with our community. This is a wonderful opportunity to try something different, maybe a hobby or even a new career.
Philosophy of Life:
Life is a journey and the best times are now, with hope and happiness in front of us. Life takes its twist and turns, full of peaks and valleys. A commitment of looking to your faith will bring you peace and happiness and lead you in the right direction. Every day it is important to choose to be happy and full of trust and acceptance. As women over 60, now is our chance to give back to our community and share our experience and knowledge. We need to live our life with grace, strength and intelligence, and be a guiding light and example for everyone around us.
We all need to remember to have some
fun in life too!

4th Runner Up
Message to Senior Women:
Through your wisdom and life experiences you have so much to offer your community, and state. Take care of yourself and develop a lifestyle of healthy living. Be confident and brave in sharing your gifts, talents, and purpose with others. Words are powerful. You may never know the “impact” your life may have on others.​
Philosophy of Life:
My philosophy of life is to know God and find purpose. In the pursuit of purpose you will discover your gifts, talents and passions. The journey towards purpose and the commitment to make a difference spiritually, emotionally, and physically are all interwoven.

1st Runner Up & Most Community Support-Tickets

Message to Senior Women:
Your words are powerful -You have the ability to SPEAK your reality into existence. SPEAK Life into you and those around you.
You are valuable just as you are, share it with someone.
Be a balcony sister and pull others out of their self made basements. The best is yet to come.
Philosophy of Life:
In the tapestry of life, I believe we should live each day with purpose and intention, knowing that we can only keep what we have by giving it away. When we weave the threads of hope, forgiveness and the knowledge we have gained into the fabric of the lives of those around us, we provide; hope to hopeless, light in the darkness and healing to the hurt. When we commit to intentional living we leave a legacy of empowerment and transformation creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond our individual journeys, allowing us the FREEDOM to become who GOD created us to be.


Message to Senior Women:
Ask yourself what you are most passionate about and then live out that passion every day.
Philosophy of Life:
We are not all dealt the same hand in life, but that is not as important as the strategy you use to play the game.
Make happiness a chosen state of mind. Work on this every day.
Don’t carry around regrets or be afraid to take some chances,
And do live by your own rules, life is for living
but live a life you can be proud of
Always remember that, there are no do-overs at the end.


Message to Senior Women:
You have a purpose and a destiny at any age. You are valuable and the words you say are POWERFUL, so intentionally speak great things into your life.
Laugh often, shine brightly, spread kindness and share a smile everywhere you go. Energetically renew your mind and body. Keep moving and most of all have fun!
Along life’s journey, grow in wisdom, live with hopeful expectations and do sweet things for others every day.
Be courageous and brave as you step out into fresh new adventures. Finish strong and with enthusiasm, because at any age, you can’t keep a good woman down!
Philosophy of Life:
Faith, Hope and Love
I live by Faith, not by what I see, because with God EVERYTHING is possible.
With Hope, I have absolute certainty that I will see my beautiful, expected future.
Everyday I want to have the Love of Jesus shining brightly in my life. Making me kind, joyful, unoffendable and encouraging to everyone I meet.
I hold tightly to: Unshakable Faith…..Unwavering Hope…..Unending Love!

2nd Runner Up
Message to Senior Women:
Smile and Be Kind
Remember that everyday is a gift and age is just a number.
Just because we are in our 60’s, does not mean life is over. Go out and find something fun to do, join a club, volunteer, plant flowers, or ride a bike. Make new friends!! We still have a lot of life to live and give.
Philosophy of Life:
My Philosophy of life is to be kind.
A simple act of kindness or a smile can make someone’s day.
You never know what someone is going through, a smile may be just what they need to brighten their day.
Working in mental health, I have learned that being nice, no matter what, makes a world of difference to someone when they are feeling down or going through something difficult.
As the great Dolly Parton says, “if you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!”
And who doesn’t take Dolly’s advice?


Message to Senior Women:
Age is just a number; it doesn't define OR confine you. Your perspective will shape what you can achieve, your determination and effort will shape what you will achieve. Embrace new experiences, step out of your comfort zone, and live your life to the fullest! Don't allow fear to hinder you from seizing opportunities.
Philosophy of Life:
Life is painting with colors of unconditional love and embracing others where they stand. It may be a small brushstroke of a simple gesture or an entire palette of significant effort. We may never see the outcome but knowing that love never fails produces joy in the journey. Every brushstroke you make in someone’s life, and allowing them to paint in yours, contributes to God’s masterpiece revealing who we are created to be and the impact we leave on His world.

Dressing Room Star

Message to Senior Women:
You are one of a kind, made on purpose, and deeply loved. Beauty is being exactly who you are, believing in yourself and knowing your worth. It’s how you make others feel.​
Philosophy of Life:
Life is about making choices
So with every choice
Focus on what really matters.
I choose to love without conditions
To give without expecting
To encourage and uplift others
And accept them just the way they are.
So let’s make some good choices in life
And leave behind a legacy
That when your name is mentioned
People will smile.


People's Choice
(Two Years in a Row)
Message to Senior Women:
Never give up on your dreams. With faith and dreams anything is possible. Age is only a number. Toby Keith said it best – “How old would you be if you didn’t know the day you were born?”
Philosophy of Life:
My philosophy is to know the full form of love. Love is one of the most beautiful feelings we as individuals can experience. Love is “Life’s Only Valuable Emotion” and to love unconditionally is the greatest love we can offer. Love is patient and love is kind.
Take time today to love yourself and pass it on, you never know who may need a little love.
Come on, let’s spread some love!

Ms. Congeniality

Message to Senior Women:
BE yourself. Life is short. Make the best of it. We have a lot to offer each other. Volunteer when you can. Helping other people is so rewarding.
Philosophy of Life:
I would do my very best to represent Ms. Senior Alabama. I love doing community service and encouraging others to join our sweet group of courageous women. Face it girls we need each other!


Message to Senior Women:
To my fellow senior women, I offer words of encouragement and solidarity. Let's uplift each other, embracing our resilience and supporting one another through life's challenges. Together, we can inspire hope and strength in each other's hearts.
Philosophy of Life:
My philosophy centers on determination, compassion, and faith. I believe that with dedication and a positive mindset, I can overcome any obstacle. By prioritizing kindness, love, and trust in a higher power, I navigate life's journey with grace and resilience.

Sharon Pitts-Ms. Senior Alabama 2024 Please visit her page

2024 Super Senior Delegates
ages 70-and up
2nd Runner Up &
Most Community Support -Sponsors & Most Community Support-Tickets

Message to Senior Women:
After retirement I was lost until I saw that I can create the life I choose. The excuse, “NO, I have to work” is over. Now I say YES! Run in a race? Sure! Volunteer at an animal shelter? You bet! Usher at a concert? Absolutely! Do Ms. Senior Alabama? Love to! Create the life YOU want! Go out, try everything , and do what you love. The world is ready for you and now you can say YES! Life is short , so don’t spend it on the couch!
Philosophy of Life:
My Philosophy of life is that Laughter is the Best Medicine. As a nurse I saw it relieve pain, stress and lower blood pressure. It is healing for our bodies and our emotions. Everyone knows that a big belly laugh makes us feel really good. Laughter is one of our many blessings from God and I believe that he wants us to have fun and joy in our lives. If a friend is blue, laugh with her. It will brighten her outlook and she will love you for it. Let’s decide to laugh every day, because maybe laughter is just what the doctor ordered!

1st Runner up &
Most Photogenic &
People's Choice
Message to Senior Women:
You have so much to offer - never sell yourself short. Life has given you tremendous learning experiences that you can share with others.
Philosophy of Life:
Never meet a stranger - be inspired by the people you meet. Go out into the world and meet new people whether you travel, take a class or volunteer. Be open to all the possibilities that others can teach you. We are never too old to learn.

Message to Senior Women:
Believe in yourself! It is never too late to start living your life. Step out of the box, challenge yourself, and make new memories. Never underestimate the influence you have on the future generation. Live life with purpose!
Philosophy of Life:
I strongly value God, family, and country. Reasoning and wisdom has taught me to let go of things that are beyond my control and to focus on what is most important. I want to climb the highest mountain to see what is on the other side. Never backing down from the challenge before me. Following my dreams as one man’s dreams shaped the world today. Keeping true to my faith while striving to be a light for others.


Message to Senior Women:
Never consider yourself old; do everything possible to be active and enjoy life. We only have one life to live so give it all you have to stay healthy and enjoy it!!
Philosophy of Life:
In Romans 12:10 God says to be kind to everyone with brotherly love. One way I do this is that when I see new people I always try to be the first to smile. I find that a smile is contagious and warms the heart, and I receive one back.
If we had more love in this world it would be a happier place.

Ms. Congeniality

Message to Senior Women:
You are as young as you feel - it’s just a number. Do not let a number stop you from doing what makes your heart sing. It is never too late to dream another dream, reinvent yourself or try something new. We have lived a lot and gained a lot of wisdom, we have had ups and downs in life. I would like to say “Honey if you feel down-get up straighten your crooked crown, dust off your butt and try again. Don’t ever give up. As Fanny Flagg, a great Alabama author once wrote, we may be older, but we also have more insurance - let’s go try something new.
Philosophy of Life:
My Philosophy of life is to always take the road less traveled. My meaning is be a leader, don’t take the easy way, or easy road. If there is not a road - make one. On this path/road of life, show a random act of kindness daily. Help those along the way that are not as fortunate as you. Be blessed and be a blessing. Show kindness, thank a veteran for their sacrifice and service. Show a neighbor they are not forgotten and they are loved. Smile at a child and show them they are important. It takes so little to accomplish so much.

3rd Runner Up
Message to Senior Women:
-My message to young and senior women alike ..Always strive to be your best. Believe in yourself and know that you have a purpose.
-As a 17 year breast cancer survivor, I would like to be an advocate to women for breast cancer prevention, treatment and support.
-Being a retired nurse, I believe that I have the resources to be helpful and knowledgeable in these areas.
-As I’ve learned over my life, I would encourage seniors to live large, follow their dreams, trust enthusiastically and never let anyone take their joy.
Philosophy of Life:
When I think of my philosophy of life, I think of it in two components.
Firstly, I feel life to be an ever changing journey with many twists and turns. Some miraculous and others unsettling. All of these experiences make us who we are and what we share and represent to others.
Secondly, being a 17 year breast cancer survivor, I meet each day with hope, encouragement, positivity and thankfulness for God’s blessing of life and all it has to offer.
I choose to live large, live with trustful enthusiasm, follow my dreams and never allow anyone to take my joy!

Sharon Hannah-Ms. Super Senior Alabama 2024 Please visit her page

Ms. Senior Alabama 2024

Miss Alabama 2023
Brianna Burrell

Ms. Senior Alabama 2009
Sally Beth Vick

Ms. Super Senior
Alabama 2022
Carol Hara

Larry Andrews

MSA Board of Directors:
Diane Johnson, Dana Self, Marilyn Sills, Kim Crawford Meeks, Gloria Williams, & Sally Quinn