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2021 Contestants & Winners

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Ms. Senior Alabama 2021, Tammy Little Haynes
1st Runner Up, Ms. Senior Helena, Kathy Paiml
2nd Runner Up, Ms. Senior Kimberly, Dana Self
3rd Runner Up, Ms. Senior North AL, Judy Batson

4th Runner Up, Ms. Senior Jefferson Co, Pauline Murphy
Ms. Congenitality, Ms. Senior Centerpoint, Gloria Williams
People's Choice & Most Ticket Sales, Ms. Senior Edgewater, Rosia Underwood
Most Ad Sales, Ms. River Region, Sheila Wright Dopson

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Pictured left to right:
Ms. Senior Marshall Co., Sandra Williams
Ms. Senior Irondale, Phyllis Mitchell
Ms. Senior Walker County, Marilyn Jent
Ms. Senior Huntsville, Susan Simoneau,
Ms. Senior Jefferson Co., Pauline Murphy, 4th Runner Up
Ms. Senior North Alabama, Judy Batson
Ms. Senior River Region, Sheila Wright Dopson, Most Ad Sales
Ms. Senior Alabama 2021 (Ms. Senior North East AL), Tammy Little Haynes

Ms. Super Senior Alabama 2021 (Ms. Senior Marshall Co.), Jean Head
Ms. Senior Helena, Kathy Paiml, 1st Runner Up
Ms. Senior Kimberly, Dana Self, 2nd Runner Up
Ms. Senior Trussville, Temple Wells

Ms. Senior Edgewater, Rosia Underwood, People's Choice
Ms. Senior North Birmingham, Veronica Chamblee
Ms. Senior Centerpoint, Gloria Williams, Ms. Congeniality


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Choreographer Lynne Braswell with
contestants just before opening number.

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Watch opening/closing numbers
by clicking this photo.

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Workshop 2021 - Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Hoover, AL

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Kathy Paiml,
Ms. Senior Helena

1st Runner Up, 2021

Platform: My platform is volunteering and working with organizations who support families and children/young adults with exceptional needs. I want to help them find their gifts/talents to be successful and independent.


Quote: I never thought in such a short period of time, I would meet the most beautiful and inspiring women that would become my new friends for life! Tammy Little Haynes is most deserving of the title of Ms. Senior Alabama and I am honored to be 1st runner up. This has been a very uplifting experience and I encourage anyone 60+ years old to enter next year!

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Dana Self,
Ms. Senior Kimberly

2nd Runner Up

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"My platform for the pageant was going to be encouraging the people of Alabama to consider getting vaccinated because our history all the way back to George Washington was involving vaccines to save lives. God has faithfully provided for us every time and it has helped change our Country for the better. I am passionate about any Community Service I can be a part of to help the state I love so much! Our Sweet Home Alabama!" Dana


Quote: This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.


Being in the Pageant was a leap of faith for me, and it turned out to be the greatest thing because the fellowship with all these amazing women is top notch! We all love the Lord! I would say to any woman, take a chance and do this for yourself! It is a strong sisterhood of women supporting women and the strength is unbelievable! 


 Dana L. Self

Ms. Senior Kimberly 2021


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Judy Batson, Ms. Senior North Alabama

3rd Runner Up

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Judy attended the University of Alabama and is a Graduate of Samford University. Her field of study was nursing and specifically geriatrics psychology in dementia and Alzheimer. She was fortunate to participate in Samford's UK program with an Academic Scholarship. After completing her education, she was a private travel nurse and had the opportunity to travel all over the world with celebrities and heiresses. After retiring, she started volunteering at her home church Gardendale First Baptist, this turned into a fulltime job and she retired last year after serving 17 years. This retirement was due to her mother's poor health at age 93 years young.


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During the past 20 plus years to the present date she has owned Healing Touch Caregivers, LLC a ministry to assist the elderly to stay in their homes safely and cared for with Christian compassion and love. The state of Alabama EDAV department heard about her ministry, contacted her and she is now involved with almost every county in Alabama with the Adult Protective Service Program. This is protection from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 


Her passion is Amazing Grace Farms a non-profit located in Ashville, Alabama. A dream maker Farm or bucket list desire come true. A make a wish for the elderly and mentally challenged. This is a 100 Area farm which offers the opportunity for the elderly, handicapped, terminal ill, service men/women, any adult or child to have a day at the farm. "We offer supervised care and instructions as needed based on individual needs. We have fishing, ATV riding through the dense woods, creek wading, hunting, shooting lessons and safety (by experienced instructors), hiking, picnics, firepit singalongs with smores, firefly and frog catching, cook outs, barn exploring, and camp outs. If none of this appeals to you, just sitting on the wrap around porch in a rocking chair or bed swing looking and God's blue sky with the fluffy blue clouds is next to heaven" Judy. We are now seeking contributions and donations to complete this addition.


This year Judy was crowned Ms Senior North Alabama and participated in Ms Senior Alabama and was selected as 3rd runner up. She has not stopped talking about the wonderful experience she had with all the other contestants, how she cherishes each of them and considers them her new friends/sisters in Christ. Queen sisters! It was hard for her to lay down her stethoscope and do something for herself, because she is always caring for others. She runs her businesses, is founder/director of Amazing Grace Farms Ministries, full time caregiver for her mother, and loving wife, mother, and grandmother to her family. Her motto “You are as young as you feel” and “Always take the road less traveled”!

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Pauline Murphy, Ms. Senior Jefferson County

4th Runner Up

"My Platform would be the importance of volunteering.  


Give something back to the community or make a difference in the lives of people. Volunteers are paid six figures: S-M-I-L-E-S. Volunteering is good for the body and mind. I would encourage women to volunteer for the following reasons: connections to the community, boost self-esteem, help with causes that they're passionate about, help with depression, and help build life long friendships. Find creative ways to volunteer, when safe to do so.  My philosophy: 'To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke12:48). '"


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"My pageant experience was a wonderful journey. I plan to return and would encourage other women to join next year. "


Pauline V. Murphy


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Gloria Williams, Ms. Senior Center Point

Miss Congeniality

"I Love people and I have a passion for helping others. My purpose and platform is to minister to others in ways that will support and find what God has in store for them. Sharing God's  Word and resources to help others to be their best authentic self. Empower, educate, and win souls for Christ Jesus through my passionate work with Glorious Winning Gems." Gloria


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"Being a contestant in the Ms Senior Alabama Pageant was the BOLDEST move I've made in my entire life. This journey was all God. God was there every step of the way. All the other contestants were so beautiful and spirit filled. I did not see competition, I saw everyone encouraging each other and lifting each other up. We are sister queens for life.If you have the opportunity to become a contestant do so, you will not regret it. My saying is Trust the Process!" Gloria

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Rosia Underwood, Ms. Senior Edgewater

People's Choice & Most Ticket Sales

Contact: 205-541-2855

"Serving and helping others no matter who you are or where you come from are my passions, because when I give, I also receive." - Rosia


Rosia is retired from the US Army. We all thank her for her service of over 20 years to our country. She received 2 Bronze Star Medals, 10 Good Conduct Medals, and Expert Weapon Badges. Her special talents include: Sport Parachute Jumper, LaChic Modeling Group & Dancing. 


Rosia is very involved in her community as she is VP of Docena Community Civic League, volunteers at Edgewater Senior Center, feeds the homeless, and cleans up her community.


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Her message to senior women is the following quote "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. " Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company "Therefore, my message to senior women is to learn something new everyday." Rosia


Rosia's recipe for success:

S - See your goal

U - Understand the obstacles

C - Create a positive mental picture

C - Clear your mind of self-doubt

E - Embrace the challenge

S - Stay on Track

S - Show the world you can do it



"My participation in the pageant confirmed that it's not about winning or losing the pageant; it's simply about getting out there, meeting new people and having fun. "I will continue to communicate/promote to the seniors in Senior Centers, Retirement Communities, Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes how the pageant encourages self-confidence healthy competition, charity work and friendship." Rosia

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Susan Simoneau,
Ms. Senior Huntsville

Susan would like to raise awareness of the issues which affect homelessness, particularly in the area of mental illness.  

She would also like to encourage people to support the ministries and organizations which reach out to the homeless in 

our Alabama cities and communities.


"The Ms. Senior Alabama pageant was such an encouragement to me!  It was great to meet the other ladies and enjoy their friendship and love. The experience also helped me focus on the issues which are important to me and how I can still make a difference." Susan

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Sheila Wright Dopson, Ms. Senior River Region

Most Ad Sales

"My platform is ministering to broken women.  Every setback in our lives is nothing more than a setup for God to take our MESS and make us a MASTERPIECE.  Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Sheila

Sheila Wright Dopson’s mission is to empower women by helping them to discover their worth in God’s eyes and by helping them to tap into their potential so they can become positive influencers to those around them. 

Sheila, founder of "Heart of a Woman" ministry, is a speaker and a writer currently working on her first devotional.  She is a frequent quest on Birmingham’s WDJC radio station and has spoken at numerous churches.  As Sheila shares God’s word woven with her personal experiences, she offers hope to others.  Her topics include the following: The Resilient Woman, The Renovated Heart, and The Extraordinary Season. 

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Phyllis Mitchell, Ms. Senior Irondale

Contact: 205-563-2060

"In this pageant I have expanded my my network of kind, courteous and beautiful ladies and it brought me joy!" Judy Batson was so kind and thoughtful to send me spices from Jamaica!! How sweet of her is that?! Concerning my passion with poetry, I have a collection ready to send to Smith & Gatson funeral home. The bereaved may choose a poem addressing son, mother, daughter, (whomever passed) to add to their obituary. I will continue to encourage ladies of the center and others to participate in this pageant." Phyllis


Sheila and her husband live in Prattville and attend First Assembly of God in Clanton Alabama.  You can connect with Sheila through her Heart of a Woman Facebook page or email at the above email address.    


"I loved being in Ms. Senior Alabama, I met so many beautiful women!  Each of us have a story to share.  Each of us are called for a purpose." Sheila

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Temple Wells,
Ms. Senior Trussville

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Temple desires to be an ambassador for Christ in all she does. Her family is her joy and most important to her. Her husband and children are public servants in the their fields as: police officers, in the US Army, & missionaries in South America & Africa. In her personal experiences at home starting a city with a team and serving as chair on the Variance Board of Adjustments, opened doors for her to serve her country for 22 years as District Appeals Board North Alabama Selective Service. She worked with all branches of the military. She has served her church and has been involved in many organizations to help and encourage people.

She is currently involved in service with Life Leaders Institute's Ranch, Triple D Ranch and Farm. compassion Ranch in Alabama helps people seeking improvement and making memory comebacks through education, patriotism, compassion, courage, and cooperation. Compassion Ranch works with law enforcement, policy makers, caregivers, nonprofits, and schools and family.

"I enjoyed participating in the 2021 Ms. Senior Alabama pageant. Answering questions and reviewing my past made me think much about my future and how I want to spend my time in projects, outreach and involvement in the community. I saw the pageant as another door to share information and to bring attention and help organizations close to the hearts of women and myself and women all over Alabama. I learned a lot about what others are doing in service and giving. I met wonderful, smart, intelligent women and made some real new friends. I had fun and want and will continue to serve and help others where God leads me. I encourage other women to step out and try something new in this chapter in your life." Temple

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Veronica Chamblee, Ms. North Birmingham

Contact: 205-325-6509

Email:  overseerChamblee@

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My passion from early childhood has been to help care for others. I have always loved to reach out to the elderly, to help someone that’s in a physical need, or someone who just need temporary companionship. There is nothing better than being able to bless someone by simply giving them a warm hug or smile to let them know that they can make it. I have been a caregiver and seniors companion for some very interesting and prominent people. I have also helped care for several patients in health facilities. I love the work that I do; I inherited this gift from both my mother and my father. I have a passion for feeding the homeless and anyone who needs aid. It truly is a great feeling to know that you came to help rescue someone in need. Another passion that I have is to speak with women who are in crisis. I strive to encourage, uplift, and give them victory testimonies of hope.

My experience in the Ms. Senior Alabama pageant was just awesome; it was something many young girls and young ladies dream of. It’s comparable to any major pageant, like Miss America or Miss World.  I was one who never thought this would be possible. Thank you to the organizers of Ms. Senior AL. It gave me a sense of it’s not over yet - you still have it! Beauty is not just physical; it’s the inner beauty that only God can give. Beauty is a wealth of knowledge to share and more to learn.  It was beyond inspiring to have met fourteen of the most amazing women of different backgrounds. To have family and friends from all over the U.S. to share and support me gave me an extra boost of confidence. I never knew my husband shared the joy of it all - by supporting me and he felt like a king! 


I would like to thank all of the staff within Jefferson County who sponsored me, as well as the Director of Senior Services and her staff. I give a big shout-out to Ms. Williams. Thank you to all the staff - in all capacities who worked with the Ms. Senior AL pageant. Hats off to you for the opportunity and a life changer.

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Marilyn Jent, Ms. Senior Walker County

Contact: 205-706-2968

"My philosophy of life is to never give up on your dreams. I am a regular speaker at Sumiton Christian Elementary School. If you would like me to speak or appear at your event or organziation, please let me know." Marilyn
"I have enjoyed meeting some of the most amazing, inspiring ladies in participation of the Ms. Senior Alabama pageants. We really do become sisters. I love all of my sister queens and all of the amazing board members. I feel I have grown personally by being in the pageants, it is a lot of fun!" Marilyn


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Sandra Williams, Ms. Senior Marshall Co.


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Blessed to have these talented and beautiful women to perform and speak at Ms. Senior Alabama 2021: Ms. Senior Alabama 2008, Edwina Chappel; Ms. Super Senior Universe 2019/Ms. Super Senior USA 2017/Ms. Senior Alabama 2009, Sally Beth Vick; Ms. Senior Alabama 2010, Brenda Emery; Ms. Senior Universe 2018/Ms. Senior USA 2017/Ms. Senior Alabama 2013, Donna McGuffie; Ms. Senior Dothan 2020, Carol Hara; 50's Delegate Ms. Senior Alabama 2021, Kellie Gragg; Ms. Senior Guntersville 2016, Debbie Crawford Smith; Ms. Super Senior Alabama 2020, Mary Ellen Hartness, & 1st Runner Up to Ms. Senior Alabama 2020/Miss Congeniality/People's Choice 2020, Rev. Dr. Penny Njoroge.

Click on slideshow to see full photos and descriptions of our 2021 delegates.

Ms. Senior Alabama, Inc.

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